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IDP Fantasy Football Draft 2020 (SuperFlex) Couch Fam has teamed up with the IDPGuys to bring you a SuperFlex IDP fantasy football draft! I'm in too many leagues but I got my Couch Captain Chris representing the Couch Fam on this one! It was an interesting draft and a nice...
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We're talking fantasy football IDP with JoeyTheTooth and maybe, just maybe will do an IDP mock draft (we do an IDP mock draft on Sleeper at the end). Subscribe to our podcast... Draft Results:
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ReTweet or RePost to win! On August 10, 2014 one winner will be randomly selected. Winner will receive a black and gold Fantasy Football Championship Belt - the same belt as the one featured in our Fantasy Couch Store. Enter both on Twitter AND on Instagram to double your chances of winning! To...